Silent Soundscapes . Copula Series

Conceptual Render by CSV Rendering
This is an installation in collaboration with Marie Akoury.In this edition "Silent Soundscapes" it will be produced by sound objects, which will be presented within a performance and at the same time interact with the woven sculpture and light sources in the space. The contextual focus here is on the juxtaposition of repetitive sounds and silence using physical element. Through the movement of the body, the sound objects and both the voice of the performers are brought into play so that the performance as well as its interactive character can be experienced. The aim is to offer an alternative view of the temporal component through the immersive staging and to create a communal experiment in which we as a community create and experience a multi-sensory staging together.
The multi-sensory installation "Silent Soundscapes" is the second edition of the installation series Copula, which continuously discusses the ancient Egyptian understanding of the temporal dimension and analyzes different aspects of it. In terms of content, Copula highlights ancient Egyptian notions of time that break with the trinity of time we know today, represented by past, present, and future. That ancient Egyptian notion of temporal logic is divided into a two-dimensional understanding of completed and unfinished processes, called Neheh and Djet. Against this backdrop, the multi-sensory installation Copula offers an examination of the supposed temporal duality and invites us to experience an abstraction of it. The woven sculpture grows through the use of sound and light into an assemblage of diverse sensory experiences and is staged as a total experience.
The temporal dimension is not an unchanging state, but a constantly ongoing cycle, which is perceived differently individually and socio-culturally. The installation Copula, which was conceived by Marie Akoury, is thus understood as a project series that enters into a new collaboration for each edition. The goal and concern of this installation series is to discuss new analyses and interpretations of temporal duality through collaborations with diverse sound designers. In the first edition "Weaving Time", exhibited in July 2021 at the former AEG plant Wedding, the focus of the staging was on the cosmological debate of cyclical and perpetual time.
In the second edition "Silent Soundscapes" the two artists Marie Akoury and Cecilia Nercasseau Gibson will produce sound objects, which will be presented within a performance and at the same time interact with the woven sculpture and light sources in the space. The contextual focus here is on the juxtaposition of repetitive sounds and silence.
The performance is held by the two artists and creates a ceremonial experience in which sound, light and haptics are brought to the forefront of the experience. Although the performance is directed by the two artists, the audience is invited to participate in the actuation of the sound objects. This interactive approach supports the immersive experience, in which the ancient Egyptian understanding of time is made artistically tangible.
The installation series Copula serves as an examination of temporal duality and thus invites a change of perspective, which questions given structures of the oxidental order.
In the second edition, the focus is particularly on the shared experience of the performance and its interactive character. The aim is to offer an alternative view of the temporal component through the immersive staging and to create a communal experiment in which we as a community create and experience a multi-sensory staging together.

Copula Silentsoundscapes floor plan.
This project will be showed and performed next year on March 2023 at the Kleine Wasserspeicher in Prenzlauer Berg.