- Musikfonds STIP-II Stipendium Neustart Kultur for the Project ‘Outermembrane that blows at me’
- INITIAL Sonderstipendium Akademie der Künste for accoustic research of the project ‘Silence’
- FONDART Chile, Funding Grant for Artistic Residency abroad at the SSI, Budapest with the project ‘Silence’
- DAAD Scholarship for Master Studies abroad
- ‘Vitrola Baquedano’ Finalist of the Hecho en Casa Festival, Santiago, CL
- ‘Teleporter’ Finalist of the Matilde Pérez 3.0 Competition, Santiago, CL
- Honourable Mention in ARQFILMFEST with ‘ECDISIS’ short film at the GAM, Santiago, CL
- ‘Nature Observatory of Amazonia Competition’ participation with the work ‘Sensory Frame’
- ‘Sound Experiences, Sound Art’ Workshop by Ana María Estrada, 3 months, Santiago, CL
- ‘Art & Urbanism’ Workshop at Talleres LUMEN by Eduardo Serrano, 3 months, Santiago, CL
- ‘Art Direction’ Wokshop at Film School La Toma Productions by Francisca Corvera, Santiago, CL
Cecilia Paz Nercasseau Gibson
CL - BER2017-2020 Master of Arts_ Bühnenbild und Szenischer Raum
TU Berlin, DE
2006-2012 Bacherlor_ Architecture and Urban Landscape
UDP Santiago, Chile
Long Term Collaborations
- 09/23_Sound collective Performance “Transverse”, Grüner Salon; Volksbühne
- 09/23 “Copula_Acoustic Dualities”
Sound Performance & Installation w/Marie Akoury
- 05/23 Ausstellung “as part of..” Art Spring Berlin, Pop Up Store
- 05/23 Ausstellung BAAM Berlin
03/23 “Copula_Silent Soundscapes” Kleiner Wasserspeicher PB
Sound Performance & Installation w/Marie Akoury
- ‘Ingredients to Nourish the Membrane of the Present’_Sonic Rituals Radio Streamming Refuge World Wide Radio
- ‘Dreaming’_Laboratory of Intelligence Culture artistic Residency, IT
- ‘Contact’ Music & Objects Performance_Hacklab CTM Festival at Künstlerhaus Bethanien
- “Diana, Even” by Kat Válastur, stage design collaboration with Leon Eixenberger performed at HAU
- ‘Time’_Laboratory of Intelligence Culture artistic Residency, Berlin
- ‘Silence’_Spatial Sound Installation composition at the artistic residency at the Spatial Sound Institute, SSI, Budapest, HU.
- ‘The Finesse’_set design assistance for a fiction documental producted by Goodhouse Films GmbH
- ‘Silence’_Sound Installation, Design Project, Performance & Book. Masterarbeit at the TU Berlin
- ‘Conciousness’ _Laboratory of Intelligence Culture artistic Residency, Berlin
- Construccion of models as Set Design for Documental Film producted by Made in Germany GmbH
- ‘Selbstgebaute Musik Festival’Scenography Internship by Kollegen 2,3, S. Schneider & H. Toppius.
- ‘Banana No!’ Medial Installation at the former AEG plant Wedding in Collaboration with María Alejandra Alarcón & María Paula de Oro
- ‘Lonely Hearts’ Operetta im Bus. Stage Design Internship by Opera Lab, Michael Höppner.
- ‘Hyperbole Station’ Sound Sculpture Installation at the IFAC, Portugal in collaboration with Claudio Squella
- ‘Fonotropicos_Beyond the Boundaries’ at the IFAC, Spain
- ZOOZ Approach collaboration with Opay Goldberg & Matteo Magnabosco
- ‘Albedo’ Site specific Sculpture Installation in collaboration with Sofía Nercasseau G. curated by Elisa Rusca & Opay Goldberg
- ‘Sonar Fossil’ Sound interactive Installation for the Nation of Gondwanna Festival in collaboration with Braian Cacciavilliani
- ‘Fonopticos’ Urban Sound Installation for the Lollapalooza Festival, CchV, Lotus, Santiago, CL
- ‘Fonopticos’ Urban Sound Installation for the Festival of Arts in Valparaíso, CL
- ‘Telefonoskopio’ Sound Installation at the Cultural Center of Recoleta curated by Ana María Estrada.
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