The project consists of a small, soft, permeable, fabric space where only one person can enter to experience different spatial sensations. This space is made up of a black fabric and a wooden base, which hangs from the ceiling, thus remaining a few centimetres above the floor (60cm) so that one person can enter seated.
Inside this hanging space are black headphones to appreciate and internalise the sound. There you will hear a track that will be playing constantly. The track is made up of sounds that will form a sensory soundscape, ranging from created sounds (frequencies that give spatial sensations) to real sounds (field recordings).
The created sounds will represent an abstract space, where only its dimension and sensation will be perceived
and sensation through low and high tones; and the real sounds will create a familiar space within the urban
environment, which will show the everyday urban spatiality; either in gaps whether in the voids of the city (green areas) or in the very circulations of the urban interstitial space.
The sound it’s an edited recording with a fixed duration (17 minutes), which will be played in a loop so that it’s constantly repeated and never stops playing, as is the sound itself.
This project was developed at the Matilde Pérez Competition 2.0, Telefónica, Santiago, CL.

Axonometrica of the space created to hear the piece.

Fotomontage view from the outside

Fotomontage view from the inside